Wednesday, 20 November 2013

GIFT: Product Packaging

After doing some research and making some decisions on products I went out and brought what I needed in addition to what I already owned.

Using the measurements I had taken from the products I purchased I created the packaging to scale both trace and cardboard. 

Now that I had the dimensions and format I could design the information.

I attempted cutting these out on the corrugated card I had brought to see if the dimensions worked.

I had kiss cut the inside of the box template but this didn't seem to score them very well so the second page I engraved. Unfortunately this actually cut through instead so one of the boxes was left in separate pieces:

The kiss cut box I scored myself with a scalpel but due to it's texture it didn't bend very well and this led to it splitting and looking messy.

The box tabs were supposed to fold over themselves to create a neat inside but due to the texture again this didn't work and it was to thick. I also had forgotten to add tabs to attach the sides to one another.

 The other cut out pieces cut out fine and I now needed to just test them against the products.

I tried the reverse of the corrugated card box which was slightly better due to the ridded edge not over lapping. I would have to test cutting it out again when it's not ripped to see if this would work better in full.

I realised that if the lid was cut out the opposite way to what it was then the grain of the ridge would match the bottom half when reserved. This would mean it would slot into the texture. All I have to do now is to rotate the lid and get the laser machine to score it just enough to bend without ripping and hopefully the box will fit together nicely with no tears. Also the box lid would need to be bigger to go round the texture.

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