Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Brief Organisation

I had another dyslexia meeting but this time I concentrating on organising my time and briefs to deadlines. She thought it would be useful if I went through all the briefs and broke them down into component parts which I could then manage in a time sheet and calendar.

Brief breakdowns

Lollie and GG 14th Nov
·      Research them
·      Research other logos which provide visual inspiration for their sector BLOG as you go
·      Sketches- page of sketchbook, in rough, ideas and layouts
·      Digitalise them
·      Make a decision and submit

Bead Shop 22nd Nov
·      Take photos and interview owner
·      Visual research for info
·      Sketches
·      Digitalise them
·      Show him the results
·      BLOG

Tiger print Nov 25
·      Create from sketches- draw out the pictures
·      Experiment with watercolour processes
·      Scan in and lay out
·      Submit
·      BLOG

·      Print- book a print slot
·      Give it to the girl whose exhibition it is

Myself branding
·      Website- create
·      Put the website on my business card
·      Lay out and print the business card
·      Enquire at Vernon about copper plates/embossing
·      Create some kind of embossing/copperplate/laser machine thing
·      Emboss the business cards

Black label
·      Digitalise the logo
·      Rework it
·      Primary research in town- take pics of shops and where their branding is applied
·      Select products that I will design
·      Sketch out how these designs will appear on the product
·      Select
·      Digitalise
·      Print
·      Finish
·      Photograph them
·      Research for some inspiration on the campaign
·      Come up with 3 initial concepts
·      Digitalise chosen concept

·      Buy the products
·      Measure them
·      Digitalise the packaging
·      Write copy
·      Print
·      Craft them
·      Photograph them

Merci (New year)
·      Brainstorm ideas from statement
·      Come up with a concept
·      Apply across 3 pieces of promotion
·      Digitalise
·      Print
·      Maybe photograph

·      Print Penguin book covers
·      Measure a feel good bottle
·      Re lay out the label
·      Print
·      Photograph both
·      Re photograph Snap

Collaboration- National trust
·      Just do a bit of research

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