I wanted to show the campaign across different mediums so I decide to create a banner for the website using the photography I had taken.
As my images are portrait it was hard to crop in particular way as the banner is long landscape.
I tried adapting the layout they apply on the banners at the moment. However I feel this didn't fit my image as well as it had theres.
I tried altering the composition of the text to left aligned and centred however I felt centred maintained continuity with the packaging and campaign posters.
Therefore I expanded upon this and varied the text used
I felt the image was mainly what was not working for me. The composition was off because the beans where to high instead of centred but that was to try and reveal the other elements of the photo. Therefore I tried cropping the image to just contain the beans.
This allowed for a lot of negative space for text to be placed. I felt it worked well having the darker are of the image for the text however the beans weren't in the right direction to the text.
Therefore this led me to crop it on the other side of image which meant including the bread. The spoon is now in the right position however I much prefer the beans over the dark grey space. I may try and edit these elements together to get it right.
As an alternative I tried creating a banner without the photography. This I think could be an option to work alongside the photography campaign giving two different elements.
Once i've photographed the packaging I feel this could also be imagery I try to include.
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