Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Meg: Development

After Meg had given me her CV information I lay it out using two columns and headings to section the information. The information she gave me was for her regular CV and not so much her professional CV so I cut the information she had written for her retail experience in her part time jobs. I then created a second CV which would act as more of a professional CV for the industry.

 Originally I had used a mix of the typeface used for her logo and a sans serif font. When coming back to it however I realised that they didn't work well together. I decided to change the sans serif typeface and use it for all the information and keep the other font just for headings.
 This I felt looked a lot better and more consistent.
 This is the business card in scale next to a regular business card size of 85 by 55.
When working on the reverse of the business card I did a 'X' in the script typeface I had chosen. I decided to look at this enlarged.
This was a lot more decorative and curly. I decided to see what it would look like as the signature instead of the one I had created.

 lower and uppercase 'x'

I tried it with and without a stroke with the brush effect  I had previously used. If I was to use this instead it would have to be without the stroke as I feel it looks better and a lighter stroke.

I also played around with altering the thickness of the stroke at the end to make it more like a lipstick smudge.

With this being a solid fill I don't feel it has the same effect as the other kiss so I recreated the line and tried the brush.

This didn't look as good I felt so I'm going to disregard it now.

I've decided my own 'x' is the way forward from this point.

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