Friday, 28 March 2014

FEMFRESH: Visual Research

As I was brainstorming initial ideas I collected visuals to aid my thought process.

 When thinking of copy and tag lines that could say exactly what the brand needed to say I remembered this range by anatomicals. It uses funny phrases to describe the function of the product. It creates a friendly and light hearted tone of voice with the audience.
 I also thought of body paint as a way to apply a message to the area of the body through a visual such as flowers making it a more attractive and less striking.
 Other visuals that helped visual ideas such as the males looking away in shame.
I really liked the idea of applying the pop art atheistic to which ever idea I chose. This I felt was appropriate to the audience and to delivering the message to remove the stigma because it's more 'cool' and appealing.

I found this campaign in my research. It wasn't once used but it was interesting to see how other people had chosen to communicate femfresh.

This is there recent campaign where they tried to start targeting a young audience. It uses urban vocabulary and bold colours. The models are styled to appear trendy and current. 

They use there strong blue as there brand colour giving the campaign impact by applying it to the background.

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