Wednesday, 9 October 2013

GIFT: Define

Taking the name of the brand from the brief and the language mentioned in it's focus and area of the market I tried to define them to get a clear idea of the actual function of the brand.

gift (gft)

1. Something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation.
2. The act, right, or power of giving.
3. A talent, endowment, aptitude, or inclination.
tr.v. gift·edgift·inggifts
1. To present something as a gift to.
2. To endow with.

gift [gɪft]
1. something given; a present
2. a special aptitude, ability, or power; talent
3. the power or right to give or bestow (esp in the phrases in the gift of, in (someone'sgift)
4. the act or process of giving
look a gift-horse in the mouth (usually negative) to find fault with a free gift or chance benefit
vb (tr)
1. to present (something) as a gift to (a person)
2. (often foll by with) to present (someone) with a gift
3. Rare to endow with; bestow
[Old English gift payment for a wife, dowry; related to Old Norse gipt, Old High German gift, Gothic fragifts endowment, engagement; see give]
giftless  adj

pure and simple
plainly, and without having to say anything else 
pure and simple and plain and simple
absolutely; without further complication or elaboration.

Theres a lot of visuals with the hands and the motion of physically giving something from one to another in terms of 'gift'. However in terms of simple there is no imagery and it's purely stripped to text.

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