gift (gft)
1. Something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation.
2. The act, right, or power of giving.
3. A talent, endowment, aptitude, or inclination.
tr.v. gift·ed, gift·ing, gifts
1. To present something as a gift to.
2. To endow with.
gift [gɪft]
1. something given; a present
2. a special aptitude, ability, or power; talent
3. the power or right to give or bestow (esp in the phrases in the gift of, in (someone's) gift)
4. the act or process of giving
look a gift-horse in the mouth (usually negative) to find fault with a free gift or chance benefit
vb (tr)
1. to present (something) as a gift to (a person)
2. (often foll by with) to present (someone) with a gift
3. Rare to endow with; bestow
[Old English gift payment for a wife, dowry; related to Old Norse gipt, Old High German gift, Gothic fragifts endowment, engagement; see give]
giftless adj
pure and simple
plainly, and without having to say anything else
pure and simple and plain and simple
absolutely; without further complication or elaboration.
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